Kod | nazev |
DD036 | Sterile Discs, 10mm |
DD050 | Arginine |
DD054 | Histidine |
DD049 | Lysine |
DD051 | Ornithine |
DD052 | Proline |
DD053 | Serine |
DD025 | Adonitol Ad |
DD001 | Arabinose Ar |
DD028 | Cellobiose Ce |
DD002 | Dextrose De |
DD003 | Dulcitol Du |
DD017 | Fructose Fc |
DD016 | Galactose Ga |
DD027 | Inositol Is |
DD026 | Inulin In |
DD004 | Lactose La |
DD005 | Maltose Ma |
DD006 | Mannitol Mn |
DD007 | Mannose Mo |
DD030 | Melibiose Mb |
DD029 | Raffinose Rf |
DD010 | Rhamnose Rh |
DD011 | Salicin Sa |
DD012 | Sorbitol Sb |
DD013 | Sucrose Su |
DD031 | Trehalose Te |
DD014 | Xylose Xy |
DD015 | Bacitracin (50 discs / vl) B |
DT011 | HiDtect™ Bacillus Identification Disc |
DT014 | HiDtect™ Biochemical Esculin Identification Disc |
DT013 | HiDtect™ Differential Coli-E.coli Identific. Disc |
DT009 | HiDtect™ Differential Identification Disc (Lactose fermentation) |
DT004 | HiDtect™ DNase Identification Disc |
DT008 | HiDtect™ Dual Confirmation of E.coli Identification Disc |
DT006 | HiDtect™ E.coli Chromogenic Identification Disc |
DT007 | HiDtect™ E.coli Fluorogenic Identification Disc |
DT016 | HiDtect™ Glucose Fermentation Disc |
DT017 | HiDtect™ Lactose Fermentation Disc |
DT018 | HiDtect™ Mannitol Fermentation Disc |
DT003 | HiDtect™ Pseudomonas Identification Disc |
DT002 | HiDtect™ Salmonella Identification Disc |
DT020 | HiDtect™ Sucrose Fermentation Disc |
DT012 | HiDtect™ Total Coliform Identification Disc |
DT015 | HiDtect™ Universal Enviro Identification Disc |
DT010 | HiDtect™ Universal Food pathogen IdentificationDisc |
DT005 | HiDtect™ Universal Microbial Limit Test Disc |
DT001 | HiDtect™ UTI Identification Disc |
DT019 | HiDtect™ Xylose Fermentation Disc |
DD009 | Optochin(50 discs / vl) Op |
DD021 | V Factor (50 discs / vl) |
DD022 | X+V Factor (50 discs / vl) |
DD047 | Vibrio 0129 differential disc (10 mcg) |
DD020 | X Factor (50 discs / vial) X |
DD024 | Bile Esculin (50 discs / vl) |
DD040 | DMACA Indole Discs (50 discs / vl) Dm |
DD035 | Hippurate (25 Discs / vl) Hp |
DD019 | Kovac’s Reagent Strips (25 Strips / vl) |
DD034 | Lead Acetate Paper Strip (25 Strips / vl) |
DD041 | Nitrate Discs (50 discs / vl) N |
DD042 | Nitrate Reagent Discs (50 discs / vl) Nr |
DD008 | ONPG (50 discs / vl) On |
DD018 | Oxidase Discs (50 discs / vial) |
DD039 | Spore Strips (B. pumilus) (25 strips / pack) |
DD032 | Spore Strips (25 strips / pack) |
S015 | Lactophenol |
S016 | Lactophenol Cotton Blue |
S017 | Lactophenol Picric Acid |
S031 | Mayer’s Mucicarmine Stain Roztok pro barvení plísní. |
K002 | Albert’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit |
K002L | Albert’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit |
S001 | Albert’s Stain A |
S002 | Albert’s Stain B |
S013 | Gram’s Iodine |
S022 | Methylene Blue (Loeffler’s) |
K063 | Modified Neisser’s Metachromatic Stain Kit (1 minute staining) |
K003 | Neisser’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit |
K003L | Neisser’s Metachromatic Stains - Kit |
S023 | Neisser’s Methylene Blue |
S037 | Neutral Red Solution |
S028 | Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stain A |
S029 | Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stain B |
K006 | Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains Kit |
K006L | Schaeffer & Fulton’s Spore Stains Kit |
S024 | Newman’s Stain, Modified Pro barvení somatických buněk v mléce |
R064 | Buffer Solution, pH 4.0 ± 0.02 |
R063 | Buffer Solution, pH 7.0 ± 0.02 |
R065 | Buffer Solution, pH 9.2 ± 0.02 |
R092 | Mcfarland standard set |
R071 | Standard solution for conductivity 1413 |
R072 | Standard solution for conductivity 12880 |
R075 | 10X RBC Lysis Buffer Solution |
R061 | Ammonium Buffer Solution |
R062 | Boric Acid Solution |
R067 | E.D.T.A., Titran, 0.035N |
R066 | E.D.T.A., 1M Solution |
R068 | Silver nitrate solution, 0.1N |
R070 | Sodium hydroxide standard solution, 0.0 |
R069 | Sodium thiosulphate, 0.1N |
R074 | Wij’s Solution |
S038 | Basic Fuchsin 0.1% w/v |
K001 | Gram Stains - Kit |
K001L | Gram Stains - Kit |
S012 | Gram’s Crystal Violet |
S032 | Gram’s Decolourizer |
S027 | Safranine, 0.5% w/v |
K062S | HiCold Stain TB Kit for Mycobacteria |
K061 | HiFluo-Phenol Free Stain Kit for Mycobacteria |
K062 | HiCold Stain TB Kit for Mycobacteria |
S043 | Mycobacteria decolourizer |
S042 | Phenolic auramine |
R004 | C.S.F. Diluting Fluid |
R019 | E.D.T.A., (di-sodium) 5% |
R023 | R.B.C. Diluting Fluid (Grower’s) |
R013 | R.B.C. Diluting Fluid (Hayemis) |
R083 | Thrombocount reagent |
R016 | W.B.C. Diluting Fluid |
S067 | Congo red (1% aqueous) Solution |
S025 | Nigrosin Stain, 10% w/v |
R084 | HiDecal (Mild decalcifying solution) |
R085 | HiDecal (Strong decalcifying solution) |
S070 | Schiff’s fuchsin-sulphite reagent |
S003 | Borax Carmine (Grenacher’s), Alcoholic Stain |
S004 | Borax Carmine (Grenacher’s), Aqueous Stain |
S006 | Carbol Fuchsin (ZN, Dilute) |
S007 | Eosin, 2% w/v |
S041 | FA Rhodamine Counterstain |
S119 | Fixative (BFA), for rapid fixing of hematological samples |
S109 | Fixative (Buffered Formalin fixative) for fixing cytological or histological samples |
S102 | Fixative, for fixing cytological or histological samples |
S118 | Fixative, for rapid fixing of hematological samples |
S062 | Fixing solution, for fixing Haematological samples |
S010 | Gentian Violet |
S057 | Grams Iodine, Stabilized |
S059 | Hematoxylin (Ehrlich) |
S076 | Hematoxylin (Gill No.3) |
S034 | Hematoxylin (Harris) |
S058 | Haematoxylin (Mayer) |
S020 | Malachite Green, 1% w/v |
S021 | Methylene Blue (Aqueous) |
S125 | Romanowsky-Giemsa (RG) stain |
S126 | Shorr’s stain solution |
I001 | Andrade’s Indicator |
I002 | Bromocresol Green Indicator |
I003 | Bromocresol Purple Indicator |
I004 | Bromophenol Blue Indicator |
I005 | Bromothymol Blue Indicator |
I006 | Methyl orange Indicator |
I007 | Methyl Red Indicator |
I014 | Mixed Indicator Solution (25X) |
I008 | Neutral Red Indicator |
I010 | Phenol Red Indicator |
I009 | Phenolphthalein, 0.1% w/v |
I011 | Thymol blue Indicator |
I012 | Thymolphthalein Indicator |
I013 | Universal Indicator |
S019 | Lugol’s Iodine |
S033 | Acid Fast Decolourizer |
S005 | Carbol Fuchsin (ZN,Strong) |
K005 | ZN Acid Fast Stains - Kit |
K005L | ZN Acid Fast Stains - Kit |
S066 | Brilliant Cresyl Blue Solution |
S008 | Field’s Stain A |
S009 | Field’s Stain B |
S011 | Giemsa’s Stain |
S014 | Hematoxylin (Delafields) |
S018 | Leishman’s Stain (Twin Pack) |
K011 | Malarial Parasite - Kit |
K011L | Malarial Parasite - Kit |
K049 | Malarial Parasite Kit (contains S008 and S009) |
S039 | May-Grunwalds Stain |
S030 | Wright’s Stain, Certified |
K004L | Capsule Stains - Kit |
K004 | Capsule Stains - Kit |
S047 | M’Fadyean Stain (Polychrome Methylene Blue) |
R009 | a-Naphthylamine solution Činidlo pro detekci redukce nitrátů bakteriemi |
R040 | Acetate Buffer, pH 5.6 |
R001 | Barium Chloride Solution, 10% w/v |
R029 | Barritt Reagent A (for VP test) |
R030 | Barritt Reagent B (for VP test) |
R002 | Benedict’s Qualitative Reagent |
R003 | Benedict’s Quantitative Reagent |
R094 | Butterfield’s Phosphate Buffered Dilutio |
R035 | DMACA Reagent |
R093 | E.D.T.A., 0.02N Solution |
R005 | Ehrlich’s Aldehyde Reagent |
R037 | Fehling Solution No. 1 |
R038 | Fehling Solution No. 2 |
R006 | Folin & Wu’s Alkaline Copper Solution |
R007 | Folin & Wu’s Phosphate, Molybdate Soluti |
R018 | Fouchet’s Reagent |
R027 | Gaby-Hadley Reagent A |
R028 | Gaby-Hadley Reagent B |
R026 | Gordon-McLeod Reagent (Oxidase reagent) |
R044 | Iodine Solution |
R008 | Kovacs’ Indole Reagent |
R010 | Nessler’s Reagent For Ammonia & Ammonia Salt |
R017 | Nessler’s Reagent For Determination of Urea (as Ammonia) |
R031 | O’Meara Reagent |
R011 | Potassium Chromate, 5% w/v |
R012 | Potassium Oxalate, 5% w/v |
R043 | PYR Reagent |
R014 | Sodium Citrate, 3.8% w/v |
R041 | Sterile Distilled Water |
R045 | Sterile Mineral Oil |
R039 | Sterile Phosphate Buffered Saline Soluti |
R015 | Sulphanilic Acid, 0.8% Činidlo pro detekci redukce nitrátů bakteriemi |
R020 | Sulphosalicylic Acid 3% |
R036 | TDA Reagent |
R021 | Topfer Reagent |
R096 | Acid Phosphatase Reagent Činidlo pro konfirmaci Clostridium perfringens izolované z vody |