Kod | nazev |
CR021 | Bio Peptone, Certified and amino acids which supports better microbiological growth characteristics to a large variety of organisms. |
CR031 | Certified Peptone recommended as a source of organic nitrogen and growth factor for propogation of cell line. |
CR001 | Peptone, Certified Enzymatický hydrolyzát z vybraného čerstvého masa je zdrojem směsi peptidů a volných aminokyselin. Pro bohatý zdroj dusíku a růstových faktorů se využívá pro bakteriologická kultivační média, i v průmyslových fermentačních procesech a výrobě biologických |
CR005 | Proteose Peptone, Certified a highly nutritious ingredient employed in media used for bulk production of antibiotics, enzymes, bacterial toxins etc. |
CR015 | Special Peptone, Certified specifically designed to maximize the growth of fastidious microorganisms. |
CR030 | Tryptose, Certified designed to promote luxuriant growth of highly fastidious microorganisms. |
RM015 | Peptone Special equivalent to Neopeptone, an enzymatic protein digest especially adapted for the preparation of media for culturing fastidious bacteria. |
RM667 | Peptone Type I, Bacteriological used as culture media ingredient. |
RM7709 | Peptone Type III, Bacteriological recommended for general bacteriological work including mass cultivation |
RM001 | Peptone, Bacteriological contains high tryptophan content. Used as culture media ingredient in variety of media. Also useful for commercial production of enzymes, vaccines, antibiotics and other products. |
RM005 | Proteose Peptone a highly nutritious ingredient employed in media used for bulk production of antibiotics, enzymes, bacterial toxins etc. |
RM6394 | Proteose Peptone A enzymic hydrolysate of protein, rich in proteoses, peptide and free amino-acids. Recommended for cultivation of fastidious pathogens and particularly for bulk production of antibiotics, enzymes,veterinary preparations and bacterial toxins, specially diphtheria toxin. |
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